Our HAProxy plugin allows you to monitor metrics such as requests per second, connection stats and much more.
The haproxy monitoring plugin monitors several metrics such as requests per second, connections, queue and more. These metrics are available per backend/frontend. Setting up monitoring for NGiNX with Nixstats is easy, you can read more at our helpdesk.
The following metrics are available from the HAProxy monitoring plugin. Source code is available on GitHub.
Maximum queue
Connections retries
Session limit
number of bytes that bypassed the HTTP compressor (CPU/BW limit)
number of HTTP responses that were compressed
Session rate
number of HTTP response bytes emitted by the compressor
Max. session rate
number of HTTP response bytes fed to the compressor
cumulative number of sessions
Bytes Out
Bytes In
Maximum sessions
Total number of times a server was selected, either for new sessions, or when re-dispatching. The server counter is the number of times that server was selected.
Denied requests
Error connections
Current queue
Error responses
number of data transfers aborted by the client
number of data transfers aborted by the server (inc. in eresp)
Current sessions
Session limit
Session rate
HTTP request rate
Max. session rate
HTTP 1xx
Request errors
Denied Connections
HTTP 4xx
total number of HTTP requests received
responses denied because of security concerns. - For http this is because of a matched http-request rule, or "option checkcache".
HTTP Other
highest known conn_rate
HTTP 5xx
Denied requests
Max HTTP request rate
cumulative number of connections
Maximum sessions
number of connections over the last elapsed second
requests denied by "tcp-request session" rules
Current sessions
Session rate limit
cum. number of intercepted requests (monitor, stats)
HTTP 2xx
HTTP 3xx